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Bios for Board Nominations 2025

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Carolyn Kaplan-Solomond

I have been a member of Adat Reyim since 1983.  My husband, John Solomond, and I are former civil servants, and currently live in Fairfax Station.  My son attended the Religious School for many years, and became Bar Mitzvah in 2000.  I started to get very involved in the synagogue around 2007, when I saw a flyer advertising a Torah trope class.  While taking the class, I became more and more interested in Judaism and other synagogue activities, and eventually, I decided to have an Adult Bat Mitzvah for myself in 2009. 

I have served as chairperson of the Ritual Committee for six years, and have been teaching the Shabbat morning service to B'nai Mitzvah students for the past 11 years. As President, I want to see Adat Reyim continue to offer programs and services that appeal to the community, maintain a strong religious school and teen program, and secure our financial health.  I plan to maintain a visible presence and expect to be at many services and social functions, and I look forward to interacting with congregants to hear their thoughts about how to make Adat Reyim the place that we want it to be.

Professionally, I had a 34-year career in basic research in computational physics and fluid dynamics at the Naval Research Laboratory, followed by six-years on the faculty at the University of Maryland.  I retired in 2021, and now spend my time enjoying grandchildren and volunteering.

Executive VP

Dory Lummer

My wife, Amy, and I have been members of Adat Reyim since 2010, joining shortly before the birth of our oldest child. With two children, Moira and Owen, our family has found deep meaning in Adat Reyim’s family and children’s programming. Moira celebrated her Bat Mitzvah here in 2023, and we look forward to Owen’s Bar Mitzvah in 2026. I’ve also had the privilege of contributing to the community by serving on the Rabbi Search Committee and remain dedicated to fostering a vibrant and inclusive Jewish community.

We are also a proud Gesher Jewish Day School family. Both children have attend(ed) Gesher, with Moira completing kindergarten through 6th grade and Owen currently in 5th grade after starting in the school’s inaugural pre-kindergarten class. Amy is a former Gesher PTO president and serves on the school’s board. I’ve enjoyed volunteering at Gesher, including leading model rocket-building projects with students.

Professionally, I’m an aerospace engineer for the U.S. Navy, specializing in research and development. Outside of work, I enjoy running, model rocketry, and cheering on the N.J. Devils. Every few months, my family and I participate in local model rocket launches, a fun hobby that ties back to my earlier career as a rocket scientist.

Administrative VP

Brad Cheney

I have been a member of Adat Reyim since 2005. My wife, Rebecca Geller, and I are the parents of a fifth grader, eighth grader, and a tenth grader in Adat Reyim's religious school.  

I served as the Administrative Vice President at Adat Reyim for the previous two years.  Musically, I have been a guitar player for the Religious School Minyan since 2020, a member of Shir Reyim since 2018, and a participant in the Purim Spiel band since 2017.  I have been involved in AR Social Action Committee's Resettling Afghan Families Together (RAFT) volunteer work in 2021-2022.

Professionally I am a Partner in a DC lobbying firm with significant experience supervising employees and managing million dollar budgets. I am a former Chief of Staff for a Member of Congress where I directly supervised a team of 10 and was responsible for a $2 million budget. 

Finance VP

Scott Silvers

My name is Scott Silvers.  I have been a member of Adat Reyim since 1987.   My three children have been Bar Mitzvah/Bat Mitzvah at Adat Reyim.

I am a Certified Public Accountant.  I have worked as a Tax Manager and Partner in several CPA firms.  I have worked for the Internal Revenue Service as an Agent within and outside the United States.  I have worked as manager and senior program analyst in Washington, D.C.   I retired in 2012.

I am presently a member of the Finance Committee.  I was a member of the Education Committee and was the Chair of the Activity Committee.

I live in Burke Centre.  I was a member of the Architectural Board and a Cluster Representative for my neighborhood.

My objective is to provide more oversight on Adat Reyim’s financial activities and recommend best business practices.

I am the Chair of Adat Reyim’s Audit Committee.  The Audit Committee will review Adat Reyim’s procedures relating to the accounting, finance, and treasury functions to assure that the financial statements are fairly stated and appropriate internal controls are in place.   When necessary, the Audit Committee will make recommendations dealing with these matters.      


Fran Nadel

I have been a member of Adat Reyim since summer 2007, when I joined along with my brother and now sister-in-law.  I've been an active member of the choir since then and have been part of the Purim Spiel troupe four times.  In addition, I have co-led the Friday night Family & Friends Service since 2011.  Eventually, David Berkowitz found out that I'm good at taking notes and recruited me to join the Board of Directors as Secretary, a position I have held since 2019.  Outside of AR, I teach 6th grade.


David Richter

My wife Carla and I have been members of Adat Reyim since 2003.  Our son Benjamin attended religious school and became a bar mitzvah at A.R.  We have coordinated a number of annual events, including the interfaith Thanksgiving service and the CROP Walk.  I was on the rabbi search committee in 2019 - 2020.  I served as Adat Reyim Treasurer in 2022 as well as in two previous terms on the board, and also served as interim Finance VP.  I have an undergraduate degree in business as well as an MBA, and work as a systems analyst at Freddie Mac.  As Treasurer this year, I will ensure the accuracy of our financial reporting, and will help guide the Board in planning and using Adat Reyim's financial resources responsibly.

Adult Education

Ava Epstein

My husband and I have been members of Adat Reyim since 2010.  We have two sons in religious school, ages 9 and 11, and live in Lake Braddock with our three pet parrots.

I have served as President at Adat Reyim for the past two years, and prior to that, served as Finance Chair 2021-2022.  I am looking forward to helping Adat Reyim invigorate and expand our Adult Education offerings to bring our adult community close cameraderie and enrichment through exploring Jewish identity and experience.

I enjoy birdwatching, knitting and hammock camping with my family.


Stephanie Mintz

Growing up in NoVa, I belonged to a local Conservative synagogue (my naming ceremony through Confirmation and beyond). Once Dave and I were married, we bounced around trying different synagogues (mostly just attending High Holiday services). We never found the right fit until we attended our first service at Adat Reyim. It was a Friday night choir service in the Fall of 2023 and I immediately felt at home. Everyone has been so welcoming at CAR and I hope to extend that same warm feeling towards new members as co-chair of the Membership Committee.
Dave and I live in Burke with our 2 dogs. I work as a professional dog groomer in Fairfax and Dave owns a local landscaping company. I spent 12 years volunteering with a rescue group and often fostered dogs from the animal shelter. In my free time, I enjoy reading, yoga, attending concerts, and spending time with family. 


Marjorie Hebert

My name is Marjorie Hébert. My family have been members of Adat Reyim since 1988. Our son and daughter grew up at Adat Reyim, attending Religious School, celebrating their Bar/Bat Mitzvahs, as well as their Confirmations. Both were Madrichim for various classes in the Religious School.

I was a past board member as Publicity Chair (now Communications). I was also a member of the Phase II Building Committee when the Education wing was added in 2001. For many years, and with the help of a small group of other congregants, I was the Erev Shabbat Oneg coordinator.

Prior to retirement, I was an Executive Administrative Professional in the private sector, in Boston, MA; Washington, DC; and various locations in Northern VA.

As co-chair of Membership in 2022, we added some new faces to the Membership Committee, many of whom continued to work together as we grew in 2023 and 2024. The Committee works to make our new members feel welcome with hand-delivered Welcome Bags, as well as participating in coordination of outdoor Summer Shabbatot with Shir Reyim. We are always looking for fresh ideas to encourage newcomers to the Springfield area find a spiritual home for themselves and their families, and welcome new members to our community of friends. I have been an active, vocal participant on the 2022, 2023 and 2024 Board, and look forward to encouraging discussion and transparency on the 2025 Board as I co-chair with Stephanie Mintz



  • To be determined by Preschool Director at a later date. 


Stephanie Kruskol

I have been with Adat Reyim since 2020. I live in Centreville with my husband David Batchelder. I'm a classical vocalist by profession, so naturally I was immediately drawn to the choir here! I have also been involved in the Purim Spiels and have participated in New Format Fridays. I have also done a food workshop here at Adat Reyim which was centered around my Ashkenazi and Puerto Rican heritage, and working with Caribbean ingredients for Pesach. I love drawing, writing, cooking, geeking out about Central European history, and Star Trek.


Bruce Kaplan

Bruce and his wife Phyllis have been members of Adat Reyim since 1992.  Their children, Danielle & Steven, both attended religious school, were Bnai  Mitzvah, and Confirmed at Adat Reyim.  Bruce has served in numerous leadership positions at Adat Reyim including a prior stint as Religious Comm. Chair.  Bruce retired after a full career as an Aerospace Engineer with the Federal Government.


Rebecca Gibson

My name is Rebecca Gibson and I have been an active member of Adat Reyim for almost 30 years. I have served on the board several times as the chair of the ritual committee and the education committee. I have served on other committees, led services on occasion, and taught in our religious school program. Currently, I am a retired teacher from Fairfax County. 

Religious School

Rachel Gettler

My husband, Dave, and I joined Adat Reyim in 2013 and welcomed our son Ezra in 2016. Ezra has attended Adat Reyim Religious School since he was in kindergarten and he is currently in 3rd grade. We enjoy attending family/kid-friendly events at Adat Reyim. I have been on the religious school committee since 2021 and served as the chair of the committee for the past year. During this time I assisted with the education director search committee, coordinated volunteers for religious school programs, led fundraising efforts for the religious school, worked on the new school exploratory membership, and led the religious school committee's monthly meetings.  I look forward to continuing to work with my fellow religious school parents and other members of the congregation. In my day job, I work as a policy attorney in the U.S. Department of Education's, Office for Civil Rights where I focus on sex discrimination in schools.

Social Action

Nancy Sherman

My husband Glenn & I have been members of Adat Reyim since 1995, when we enrolled our daughter Emily in preschool.  I have been an active member of the Social Action Committee for many many years, as well as a participant in the Adat Reyim Book Club; Retreat Planning Committee; Sisterhood and most recently on the OSC (the Onsite Committee).  My focus in social action has always been the support of local food banks, shelters and the providing for the basic needs for those less fortunate in our community. 

Since my retirement from the Burke Centre Conservancy,  I have been a twice weekly volunteer at ECHO in Springfield and I represent Adat Reyim on the ECHO Board.


Phil Selz

My wife, Kathy, and I have been members since the early 1990s. Our three children, Matt, Greg, and Niki had their B’nai Mitzvahs here and we are now empty nesters.  I served as Men’s Club president for four years in the early 2000s and have been a member of the choir since 2003, as well as a cantorial soloist for Friday night and High Holiday services. I participated in the folk group for several years in the late 2000s. I participated in the Rabbi Search Committee that recommended Rabbi Billinson to be our new, permanent Rabbi. I took on the role of Fundraising VP in January 2024 and hit the ground running for our Purim Shpiel, Carnival and Mishloach Manot events, as well as our Choir 40th Anniversary Gala. Professionally, I am a consultant helping corporate clients write proposals to win government IT, security, and intelligence contracts.

I am committed to seeing Adat Reyim succeed in providing a vibrant and inclusive home for our congregation.  I recognize effective fundraising is an important element in achieving that goal, enabling AR to expand the breadth and variety of programs, events, and social opportunities available to all of us.  I recently led a congregational day of service effort to replace all 200 missing bookshelves under the chairs in the sanctuary and this became a great chance for people to work together on a project to improve everyone’s shul experience.

I hope to continue to bring that same energy and team-building to my role as Fundraising VP and look forward to 1) making our already-identified events big hits and 2) successfully identifying, developing, and executing additional fun and exciting events that draw our congregation into participating and that add income to our budget.

Tue, February 11 2025 13 Shevat 5785