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Musical Groups


Music Director Mitch Bassman founded the Adat Reyim Choir in the fall of 1983 as a way to standardize the melodies that were used in the Shabbat services of our then-young congregation. When we are not hindered by a global pandemic, our volunteer choir helps the rabbi to lead Friday evening services once each month and provides cantorial soloists on Fridays when the choir does not participate. We also lead High Holiday services and are featured in many special events, such as the annual Interfaith Thanksgiving service and the annual Martin Luther King Sabbath of Solidarity, both of which are held jointly by Adat Reyim and congregations of many other faiths.
During our Jewish religious services, we sing all prayers a cappella (without musical instruments). We do use musical instruments during interfaith services and other special events.

DIRECTOR - Mitch Bassman


MEETS - choir rehearsals are held twice a month on Sunday evenings at the synagogue, with weekly rehearsals during the month before the High Holidays. 



Shir Reyim

Shir Reyim—also known as the Adat Reyim Folk Group—consists of singers and instrumentalists who lead a variety of Friday night and special holiday services. Our repertoire includes a wide range of traditional and more modern liturgy settings, and we love bringing instruments and rich vocal harmonies together in our worship-leading!

Shir Reyim helps lead the “Spirit of Shabbat” services held on most fourth Fridays of every month, and the annual “Shabbat Under the Stars” in  the summer.  Shir Reyim also participates in the annual Thanksgiving and Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., services, and provides the music to dance with the Torahs at the annual Simchat Torah service and celebration. 

Join us at a rehearsal to see how much fun we have creating music and a sense of community!

DIRECTORS -  Russell Nadel & Andrea Cate


MEETS - Shir Reyim rehearses for 90 minutes one or two evenings per month, scheduled on days most convenient for the largest number of members.


Mon, January 13 2025 13 Tevet 5785