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Specialty Groups

Men's Club

It is the mission of the Adat Reyim Men’s Club to provide opportunities for socializing, performing synagogue and community service, and to participate and assist during Jewish life cycle and other spiritual events.

Past activities have included:  social action events (e.g. making sandwiches for the homeless, collection of school supplies, cleaning-up around our synagogue), bike rides, hikes, attending sporting events, golf outings, fishing trips, & Frisbee Golf.

If you have an activity you enjoy or would like to lead, please contact us.  And please join us on Facebook at:

CHAIR - Steve Schwartz




The Sisterhood is open to all members of Congregation Adat Reyim. We typically offer social activities once a month. Highlights from previous years have included: Fireside Chat with Rabbi, Brunch in the Sukkah, Chanukah Party, Game Night and joint activities with the Men’s Club.

We also interact with the Preschool to provide volunteers for the Purim Carnival. 

Donations of women’s hygiene products for Echo are collected at every event. The Sisterhood would like to encourage members to remain active and participate in virtual activities and ideas for new programs and volunteers.  Watch for events in ChaiLights and Facebook. To help plan events please contact the chair.

CHAIR - Debbie Borris & Shelley Kahn


50+ at Adat

50+ at Adat is our social group for those aged 50+, open to all synagogue members, whether single or couples (or with a 50+ spouse). Our mission is to connect! Many of our members are empty nesters, but it’s not a requirement. We meet for casual Shabbat dinners in members’ homes or at the Synagogue, dining at restaurants, picnicing outside, or … (you fill in the activity!) We are always searching for new ideas and invite all to help plan our events. For more information, contact


Thu, September 19 2024 16 Elul 5784