New Programs for Teens 2024-2025
The Adat Reyim Teen program has monthly activities for our 7th -12th grade students during the 2024-2025 school year, including a trip to Ellis Island in NY, Laser Tag, Israeli Cooking, and more!
Teens can attend as many as they would like. Many programs will be scheduled on Sunday afternoons to minimize conflicts. There is a $100 fee to cover some of the expenses. Activities that have additional expenses (such as Laser Tag, the NY trip, etc.) will be paid by those participants.
Registration for the Teen Program in the Registration section of the Religious School page.
If you are a teen or parent of a teen and would like to help build this program, please contact Talya Schultz at
Madrichim and Assistant Teachers
"Madrich" (masculine) or "madricha" (feminine) are the Hebrew terms meaning "guide" or "leader." Adat Reyim Religious School has a very successful Madrichim program where our teenagers not only serve as role models and guides to our younger students, but are guided by our staff in developing their teaching and leadership skills. As they help with students, the madrichim improve their own skills and gain a deeper understanding of their Jewish heritage.
Madrichim in grades 8-10 can serve many roles depending on their skills and interests. Some work as individual tutors with students who are building their Hebrew skills; other support students with learning, social, and emotional needs; students with special talents in art, music, and drama can share their talents as specialist. Madrichim often lead small groups, enabling the teachers to differentiate learning, and help to create a warm and caring classroom. Madrichim in 8th grade can earn service hours; those in 9th and 10th grade have a choice of earning Service Hours or receiving a stipend at the end of the school year.
Exceptional student leaders in 11th and 12th grades can become Assistant Teachers who take on more leadership responsibilities in our grade level classrooms and individualized Hebrew program. These students are paid a monthly salary and attend teachers meetings and staff development sessions.
An application form for the Madrichim/Assistant Teacher program will be mailed to families of current madrichim and Assistant Teachers, and will also be linked here for new applicants.
For more information about our Madrichim and Assistant Teacher programs, please contact Talya Schultz at