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Social Action


“We travel together down Jewish paths which inspire our hearts and souls, and transform us to seek justice and nurture compassion in the world.” Rabbi Paul Kipnes, Congregation Or Ami

Join us as we strive to become partners with God in Tikkun Olam, repairing the world.  The Social Action Committee is a vibrant group that is actively working to provide opportunities for our congregation to participate in ways that inspire us, including:


  • Joining Jewish community members traveling to Richmond for Jewish Advocacy Day in February to communicate with government representatives regarding Jewish issues
  • Feeding homeless community members during Hypothermia Week in February in partnership with a neighboring church
  • Celebrating Good Deeds Day in April by packing weekend backpacks, planting pollinator friendly plants, and cleaning up the synagogue grounds
  • Donating blood through INOVA bloodmobile to help save community members in need
  • Protecting our environment by participating in watershed cleanups in spring and fall
  • Learning how to plant native plants for our environment’s benefit
  • Saluting WW II, Korean and Vietnam veterans arriving at Dulles Airport through Honor Flight Chicago during the spring and summer 
  • Collecting supplies for ECHO’s school supply drive and packing backpacks in August
  • Celebrating the HIAS Refugee Shabbat (hearing from community speakers as well as local immigrants)
  • Welcoming refugees to our community and providing a wide range of support to enhance their independence
  • Donating food during the High Holiday food drive to Food for Others
  • Taking part in the CROP Walk in November (an interfaith fundraiser to end world hunger)
  • Providing volunteer outreach and transportation to seniors aging in place through Shepherd’s Centers.
  • Making phone bank calls to encourage voting
  • Collecting plastic bags to help save our environment
  • Dedicating “One Night for Others” during Hanukkah by donating gift cards to ECHO and JSSA

If ANY of these mitzvahs inspire you, please join our committee to help plan, ask to be on our distribution list, or just come to our programs. Our meetings are held at the synagogue five evenings per year as posted on the congregational calendar.


If I am not for myself, who will be for me? If I am only for myself, what am I? If not now, when?  Rabbi Hillel


Tue, February 11 2025 13 Shevat 5785