Religious School Schedule & Updates - Sunday & Monday
10/18/2020 10:58:18 AM
Date Added
Congregation Adat Reyim
Shalom Friends - It is finally here - we are back to class and so excited! There are a lot of details in this message so please read all the way through! Ruach and Minyan times are both being adjusted by 15 minutes to allow for comuting to the synagogue. Attendance will be taken for both Ruach and Minyan. Since class is so much shorter the content of both of these programs is enriching and suplimenting what the students get in class.
Sunday, October 18th 9:00am - 9:30am Ruach Required Attendance Always OnlineClick Here to Join Ruach 10:00am - 11:15am In-Person Grades 3rd & 6th and Online Class for all OthersClick Here to See All Class Links (must login) 10:00am-12:00pm High Holiday Book Drop Off 11:00am-1:00pm Food Drive at Synagogue
Monday, October 19th 5:30pm - 6::45pm In-Person Grades 3rd & 6th and Online Class for all Others 7:15pm - 7:45pm Minyan Always Online (Attendance Required for 3rd-6th Grade) ClickHere to Join Minyan
In-Person Class Information In-person class will be held outside both Sunday and Monday - please have your students dress appropriately, especially Monday night for Sundown. The students are required to wear their masks the entire class and we will be socially distant. The outdoor classroom will be setup so that they have their seats/space to stay in. Students will have there temperture checked, please do not leave until you have seen the "wave" from me. Parents will not be allowed in the building. If you chose to stay in the parking lot please keep your masks on and stay socially distant from others. Students will only be allowed in the restrooms one at a time, however please have students use the restroom before they arrive. Hand sanitizer will available and extra masks as needed. We will not be serving any food or drink and do not want them to bring food so please have your students eat before arriving!!! Not Coming to In-Person Learning If your students class is meeting in person and your student is not attending in-person but will attend via Zoom please communicate that to your teacher today so we can make sure we have a laptop or ipad in place.
We have a very limited amount of class time both online and in-person so we want as few distruptions as possible and would like to encourage everyone to arrive on time. If you do not have your login or your students login for Shalom Learning please let me know.
I feel like I forgot something, I have been planning this all for so long and there are so many details! If you have any questions please call or text my cell for immediate need/response (708)261-8971.
Elizabeth Bayer Executive Director and Religious School Administrator Congregation Adat Reyim 6500 Westbury Oaks Court Springfield, Virginia 22152 (703)569-7577