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Learner's Minyan 


Learner’s Minyan is designed for all ages and all levels of experience. The services allow participants to take an active role in leading prayers as well as learning the structure and meaning of the Shabbat service. Third- through sixth-grade students are required to attend at least six services throughout the year so that they will become comfortable with their prayer book reading and have a better appreciation for the Shabbat service. Services meet once-a-month as part of our regular minyan in the sanctuary.  Students are assigned prayers to lead based on their grade level.  Instead of a sermon, either Rabbi Aft or Education Director Rabbi Weiner lead an interactive D'Var Torah based on the weekly Torah portion.  Services are shortened from our regular minyan with a special enhanced kiddish at the end of services sponsored by the Adat Reyim Religious School.

Our students who are currently attending Learner’s Minyan find it much easier to follow along in class and eventually have a lot less difficulty when preparing their prayers for their B'nai Mitzvah. By the end of the year, the students that attend are better able to follow along and to lead the service.

Sat, May 4 2024 26 Nisan 5784